25+ Self Care Ideas for Bad Days
When bad days strike, it’s nice to have a list of self care ideas you can pull out to help make things a little better, or even to proactively keep up with self care so you feel better in general. Here are 25 self care ideas for bad days. 😃 Feel free to bookmark this page for future reference!
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25 Self Care Ideas for Bad Days | Self-Care Tips
When it comes down to it, self care and self love aren’t selfish – they’re actually an essential part of living a happy and healthy life. Here are a bunch of ideas!
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- Take a bubble bath.  Try making some homemade bath bombs or a DIY sugar scrub for a fun DIY self care project.
- Read a good book
- Read a personal development book
- Read a fun magazine
- Have a solo dance party
- Listen to songs for depression
- Listen to songs for anxiety
- List 10 things you’re grateful for
- Play with a pet
- Try a guided meditation
- Play a board game
- Watch the clouds
- Stargaze outside
- Take three deep breaths
- Unfollow negative people on social media
- Unplug from technology for an hour
- Do a legs up the wall yoga pose (you just lie down on the floor next to the wall and put your legs up vertically on the wall)
- Take a cat nap
- Watch a funny movie or TV show
- Wear your pajamas all day
- Say positive affirmations. Related: 19 Ideas for Positive Affirmations
- Get dressed up for no reason 😃
- Drink a glass of water
- Declutter three things from your home.
- Do some journaling or drawing
Which self care ideas are you going to try? 🙂
Self care is an important part of taking care of your mental health, but things like getting a massage or facial are pretty expensive. Instead, here are 17 more inexpensive ideas for self care.
If you’re on a budget, you probably want to still add self care to your life without breaking the bank.
And ultimately, self care doesn’t have to be about going out and getting a spa treatment or just having a bubble bath – sometimes self care is simply saying no to something you don’t like or setting the right boundaries in your life.
17 Inexpensive Ideas for Self Care
Self care isn’t about being selfish but about taking care of yourself so you don’t get burned out or overwhelmed by the stress of life.
Self care is even more important when you’re busy or caring for other people, even if it feels like you don’t have time for it.
As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so that means you need to make time – even if it’s just a few minutes – to simply take care of yourself.
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1. Watch an inspirational documentary
2. Watch your favorite show on Netflix
3. Watch a funny video on Youtube
4. Play with a pet
5. Color or do art
6. Go to the park
7. Meditate
8. Take a bubble bath or treat yourself to a homemade sugar scrub
9. Go on a nature walk
10. Lounge around in bed one day
11. Sleep in late
12. Drink a green smoothie
13. Move your body or have a solo dance party
14. Play with slime or a stress ball
15. Dress up for no reason
16. Listen to uplifting music. Try this: Songs to Make You Happy
17. Read a good book
What ideas are you going to try? 🙂