How A Few Minutes of Me Time Can Reduce Your Stress
This is a guest post from Sarah of Relax Everyday.
It may feel like we are always on the go and running from one thing to another, but you should schedule and find some time to relax and when you do get those few minutes. It can do you wonders and reduce your stress, so that you feel more focused and refreshed. So, how can a few minutes of “me time” help you to relax?
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How A Few Minutes of Me Time Can Reduce Your Stress
Why Is Me Time Important?
Taking a little me time can help your brain reboot and unwind. If you are always on the go then your brain doesn’t have the time to replenish itself. When you take a few moments to be by yourself with no distractions, you can clear your mind.
When you take some me time, you will feel better about yourself and those around you. You won’t feel as irritable and you will have better control over your emotions, which will then improve your mood.
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When you are in a better mood, your relationships will also be better. This is because they will appreciate you more and your ability to concentrate, to tackle situations, and to have control over various factors. You will also appreciate these relationships more and the people that you have around you.
If you don’t take time out for yourself then it can lead to resentment, which can harm your relationships. If you spend all your time taking care of everything and everyone else apart from yourself then you will become tired and angry, which will lead to stress.
You can then reduce your stress when you take time for yourself, which will lead to better sleep, the ability to handle things better and you will feel better in general about yourself and others.
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How to Take Me Time
It isn’t actually that easy to schedule me time, but you need to try and make at least 15 minutes to 30 minutes a day where it is all about you. You need to be able to make this happen every day so that you can feel better, be more focused, and be more relaxed.
The only way to truly take me time is to cut off all distractions. You should just focus on you and do what you want to do for just even a few minutes to help you reduce your stress.
If you are at home then make sure that everyone knows that you are taking some time for yourself. You can schedule your “me time” in the morning or in the evening.
If you are at work then use your “lunch time” to get some me time, so you can relax after a stressful morning.
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Ways to Spend Your Me Time
If you are not sure what to do with your “me time” no matter how long or short it is then here are some suggestions:
1. Read a book for enjoyment
2. Listen to your favorite music
3. Meditate to bring a sense of calm
4. Take a short walk or sit outside
5. Take your time and enjoy a cup of calming tea
6. Write down your thoughts and feelings or what you are grateful for
7. Soak in a bath
8. Treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure
9. Practice aromatherapy. Scents can help you to relax and if I am recommending an oil or two for relaxation, then go for lavender or chamomile. You can also use these in a bath.
10. Give yourself a pep talk and refocus your mind and attitude.
These are some great ways to spend your alone time and it is just you and nothing and no one else. You need to take me time so that you can unwind and get to know yourself. This will improve your mood and the relationships around you. How do you spend your “me time”?
Author Bio: Sarah is the editor of Relax Everyday, a blog dedicated to teaching others how to find calm and serenity in their everyday lives. Sarah believes that a relaxed mind and body leads to a healthier life.
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